Group Members
Principal Investigator
Daniel Dessau
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics - Advanced Spectroscopies
Curriculum Vitae
dan [dot] dessau [at] colorado [dot] edu
Duane Physics F627
(303) 492-1607

Sr. Professional Research Assistant
Justin Griffith
Ultra high vacuum, precision machining, mechanics, and electronics
Justin graduated from CU Boulder with a B.S. in Engineering Physics. His specialties are UHV, XHV and cryogenic design, precision fabrication and machining, and scientific device development. He enjoys hiking, graphic art, home updating, and playing guitar, drums, and fiddle.
justin [dot] griffith [at] colorado [dot] edu
Duane Physics G227

Visiting Scientists
Rafał Kurleto
ARPES on Strongly Correlated Materials
Rafał graduated with his PhD from Jagiellonian University in Kraków (Poland) in 2020, where he investigated cerium based heavy fermion materials. His main background is in photoelectron spectroscopies (ARPES, XPS, UPS), and thermal/transport measurements. He joined Dan Dessau's group in the beginning of 2021, where he studies the electronic structure of strongly correlated systems (topological kagome magnets, unconventional superconductors) using ARPES. In his spare time Rafał enjoys the Colorado outdoors.
rafal [dot] kurleto [at] colorado [dot] edu
Duane Physics G229

Postdoctoral Researchers
Andrew Chomas
Organic Superconductors, XAS of 2D materials
Andrew got his PhD in Physical Chemistry from CU-Boulder, where he studied molecular photophysics using ultrafast spectroscopy and developed methods to synthesize and characterize organic superconductors. He now also uses x-ray absorption spectroscopy to understand the electronic and magnetic properties of 2D and layered materials. Outside of research, he enjoys lifting, fly fishing, hobby electronics, watching baseball, and more.
andrew [dot] chomas [at] colorado [dot] edu
Cristol Chemistry 115A

Graduate Research Assistants
Aritra Mazumder
Scanning SQUID on Tip
Aritra is from West Bengal, India. He graduated from IISER Kolkata in 2019 with a BS-MS in Physics. Currently working on the development of SQUID on Tip for imaging vortices in Superconductors. He loves cooking and football (Soccer) though his enthusiasm is far bigger than his abilities, and going on mildly challenging hikes.
aritra [dot] mazumder [at] colorado [dot] edu
Duane Physics G221

Zack Sierzega
Topological Quantum Materials, Unconventional Superconductivity, Device Fabrication
Zack graduated from the Illinois Institute of Technology in 2020 with a B.S. in physics. He is interested in transport measurements/imaging of devices that he fabricates from unconventional superconductors. Outside of work, he enjoys skiing, lifting, gardening, music, and enjoying the great outdoors.
Zachary [dot] Sierzega [at] colorado [dot] edu
Duane Physics G229

Amanda Shackelford
Ultrafast Optics and ARPES on Strongly Correlated Materials
Amanda joined the Dessau group after previous employment at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Her enthusiasm for continuing work with Ultra-High Vacuum instrumentation and ultra-fast light sources made joining the group an easy transition. She is currently working on assisting with ARPES data analysis and working to design and build next generation optics and instrumentation. Outside of research, she likes to be playful through art/painting, music, dancing, tinkering, and martial arts.
Amanda [dot] Shackelford [at] colorado [dot] edu
SLAC Accelerator Laboratory

Robert Smith
ARPES on Topological Materials
Robert joined the Dessau group in Fall 2023 after completing dual degrees in Mathematics and Physics from the University of Central Florida. After studying quantum materials in his undergraduate career, he is continuing his studies of quantum materials and semimetal thin films using synchrotron ARPES. Outside of physics, he enjoys fly fishing, skiing, camping, and film photography.
Robert [dot] SmithJr [at] colorado [dot] edu
Duane Physics G229

Alex Ball
ARPES on Novel Materials, DFT Calculations
Alex graduated from SUNY Geneseo in 2023 with a BS in Physics. He joined the Dessau group in Spring 2024 and works on studying novel materials with ARPES. He also performs DFT and Wannierization calculations to support ARPES data analysis and other projects. In his free time he enjoys hiking, skiing, and learning the piano.
Alex [dot] Ball [at] colorado [dot] edu
Duane Physics G229

Lincoln Doney
Lincoln graduated in 2024 from University of Maryland - College Park with B.S. degrees in Computer Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics. He is working on the SQUID on tip project, and is interested in exotic phenomena in superconductors. In his free time, he enjoys baking, linguistics, Linux, photography, and skiing.
Lincoln [dot] Doney [at] colorado [dot] edu
Duane Physics G221

Aksaj Bharatwaj
Aksaj [dot] Bharatwaj [at] colorado [dot] edu
Duane Physics G221

Undergraduate Research Assistants
Thomas Stewart
Thomas [dot] Stewart-1 [at] colorado [dot] edu
Duane Physics G229

Thomas Knapp
Thomas [dot] Knapp [at] colorado [dot] edu

Oliver Robidoux
Oliver [dot] Robidoux [at] colorado [dot] edu
Quintin Babcock
Quintin [dot] Babcock [at] colorado [dot] edu
Former Members
Peipei Hao | Postdoctoral Researcher at the Swiss Light Source |
Dushyant Narayan | Research Scientist at UT Dallas |
Bryan Berggren | Lightwave Logic, Inc. |
Garrison Linn | nLIGHT DEFENSE Systems, Inc. |
Kyle Gordon | Northrop Grumman |
Haoxiang Li | Assistant Professor HKUST Guangzhou |
Xiaoqing Zhou | Wayfair Inc. |
Jennifer Reed | Air Force Research Lab |
Wes Erbsen | Air Force Research Lab |
Stephen Parham | Intel |
Thomas Nummy | Unsupervised Inc. |
Justin Waugh | Unsupervised Inc. |
Yue "Scott" Cao | Argonne National Lab, Advanced Photon Source (APS) |
Sunita Kannan | Head of Digital and AI Strategy - ASEAN - Accenture AI |
Qiang (Quinn) Wang | West Virginia University |
Alexei Fedorov | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) |
Nick Plumb | Swiss Light Source (SLS), Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) |
Ted Reber | University of Georgia |
Zhe (Joe) Sun | University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) |
Jake Koralek | Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC) |
Fraser Douglas | Data Scientist - Deloitte |
Yi-De Chuang | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) |
Adam Gromko | Executive Director at IHS Markit |
Phil Villella | Co-Founder of LogRhythm |